Bonus Day: 20 January 2024

Mindfulness World Congress

Congress date: 8th to 9th December, 2023, Online


Mindfulness Congress

Discover the power of mindfulness at the Global Mindfulness Congress, where Arline and Ildiko are extending a warm invitation to you. Join the multitude of individuals who are embracing mindfulness as a way to find peace, balance, and inner clarity. Watch their special video invitation and embark on a journey towards a more mindful and fulfilling life."

Mindfulness Congress

Living Life One Breath at a Time

Living Life One Breath at a Time
By Arline Davis

Arline Davis is from Sao Paulo in Brazil.
She is a distinguished member of our board, holding the prestigious titles of IN & ICI & WHO President for Brazil and IN & ICI & WHO & In-Me President for the USA. She is also the visionary behind the Institute Arline Davis based in Sao Paulo, which you can explore further at

Here the webinar: "Myths and Misconceptions about Mindfulness" from Arline, Darko, and Ildy.
Here the webinar: "Mindfulness as a Tool for Coaches" from Arline, Darko, and Ildy.

Her presentation is about slowing down with Mindfulness in challenging situations.

Her training offers: She offers Mindfulness Trainer trainings and Mindfulness Teacher Trainings in English and Portuguese. You find these trainings under this link.
And her presentation is also a great introduction in her "Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me" training. This training is conducted by 3 of the speakers at this Mindfulness World Congress: Arline, Darko, and Ildy.

Her profile in the In-Me association with more info: Arline Davis

All Mindfulness trainings.

From Paws to Pause: How to Change Your Life Through Mindful Stories

From Paws to Pause: How to Change Your Life Through Mindful Stories
By ildiko meixner

ildy meixner is a Hungarian native born in New Zealand and currently residing in the USA.
She is the visionary behind IM Mindfulness Institute:

Here the teaser of her presentation.
Here the video recording of her presentation.
Here the webinar: "Myths and Misconceptions about Mindfulness" from Arline, Darko, and Ildy.
Here the webinar: "Mindfulness as a Tool for Coaches" from Arline, Darko, and Ildy.

Her presentation is about how to Change Your Life Through Mindful Stories.

Her training offer: Her presentation is also a great introduction in her "Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me" training. This training is conducted by 3 of the speakers at this Mindfulness World Congress: Ildy, Arline and Darko.

Her profile in the In-Me association with more info: Ildiko Meixner

All Mindfulness trainings.

Para além da Sobrevivência: Florescer com Mindfulness

Para além da Sobrevivência: Florescer com Mindfulness
By Paula Pinto

Prof. Dr. Paula Pinto is from Lisbon in Portugal.
She is the visionary behind the Institute:

Her presentation is in Portuguese about "Para além da Sobrevivência: Florescer com Mindfulness".

Her training offer: Her presentation is also a great introduction in her "Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me" training that starts on 13th of January 2024.

Her profile in the In-Me association with more info: Paula Pinto

All Mindfulness trainings.

The Magic Powers of Mindfulness for Moments of Happiness and Beginners Mind

The Magic Powers of Mindfulness for Moments of Happiness and Beginners Mind
By Darko Cvetković

Dr. Darko Cvetković is from Serbia, Europe.
He is the visionary behind Energy House:

Here the trailer for his presentation.
Here the video of his presentation.
Here the webinar: "Myths and Misconceptions about Mindfulness" from Arline, Darko, and Ildy.
Here the webinar: "Mindfulness as a Tool for Coaches" from Arline, Darko, and Ildy.

His presentation: Dr. Darko will shares with you his insights on "The Magic Powers of Mindfulness for Moments of Happiness and Beginners Mind" at the Mindfulness Congress.

His training offer: His presentation is a great introduction in his "Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me" training. This training is conducted by 3 of the speakers at this Mindfulness World Congress: Darko, Arline and Ildy.

His profile in the In-Me association with more info: Dr. Darko Cvetković

All Mindfulness trainings.

Eine Mindfulness Intervention für dich und deine Klienten: "Die 6 Achtsamkeitsfragen"

Eine Mindfulness Intervention für dich und deine Klienten: "Die 6 Achtsamkeitsfragen"
By Ahlaad Piwnik

Ahlaad Piwnik ist aus Zurich in der Schweiz,
Er leitet dort das Institute:

Hier der Trailer für seinen Vortrag.
Hier die Aufnahme seines Vortrages.

Sein Vortrag: Er lädt dich dazu ein die 6 Achtsamkeitsfragen hautnah in seinem Vortrag zu erleben. Ein Mini-Achtsamkeits-Workshop für den Alltag und die Arbeit mit Klienten.

Seine Ausbildungsangebote: Dieser Vortrag ist ein guter Einstieg in seine Ausbildungen in Mindfulness

Sein Profil im In-Me-Verband mit mehr Informationen: Ahlaad Piwnik

Alle Mindfulness Ausbildungen.

Viver a Vida uma Respiração de Cada Vez

Viver a Vida uma Respiração de Cada Vez
By Arline Davis

Arline Davis é uma distinta membro do nosso conselho, detentora dos prestigiosos títulos de Presidente da IN & ICI & WHO para o Brasil e Presidente da IN & ICI & WHO & In-Me para os Estados Unidos.
Ela também é a visionária por trás do Instituto Arline Davis, sediado em São Paulo, que você pode explorar mais em

Descubra suas ofertas como "Instrutora de Mindfulness, In-Me". Arline realiza apresentações esclarecedoras tanto em inglês quanto em português:

Em português: "Viver a Vida uma Respiração de Cada Vez"

Confira o perfil dela para mais detalhes.

All Mindfulness trainings.

Lerne jetzt bei mir Mindfulness, damit du es in Krisenzeiten nutzen kannst.

Lerne jetzt bei mir Mindfulness, damit du es in Krisenzeiten nutzen kannst.
By Petra Diederichs

Petra Diederichs ist aus Berlin in Deutschland.
Sie leitet dort das Institut Mindfulness Berlin: www.Mindfulness.Berlin

Ihr Vortrag: Lerne jetzt bei mir Mindfulness, damit du es in Krisenzeiten nutzen kannst.

Ihr Profil im In-Me-Verband mit mehr Infos: Petra Diederichs

Alle Mindfulness Ausbildungen.


By Karl Nielsen

Karl Nielsen is from Berlin in Germany. He is the global President of the Mindfulness In-Me Association and at Universidad Central de Nicaragua the Dean of the Psychology faculty.

His presentation: Karl summarizes how the very famous Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) training from Jon Kabat-Zinn can be intensified by NLP and Coaching.

His articles about Mindfulness:
"Mindfulness with NLP", is about the fundamentals of Mindfulness and NLP and includes easy to use exercises.
"Why is Mindfulness training so important nowadays?", covers the main ideas of the new NLP, Coaching and Human Evolution based approach of the In-Me Mindfulness trainings.

Time: October 2019 at the World Congress in Brazil.
Here his presentation in English with Portuguese translation.

His profile in the In-Me association: Karl Nielsen

All Mindfulness trainings

Mindfulness in 3 steps

Mindfulness in 3 steps
By Abdelrahman Tarek

Abdelrahman Tarek is from Cairo in Egypt.
He is the "Mindfulness Master Trainer, In-Me" at the Phoenix Institute of Ahmad Abdullah.

His presentation: Abdelrahman presents Mindfulness in Arabic for the Arab world. With "Mindfulness in 3 steps"he introduces you in his Mindfulness trainings.

His profile in the In-Me association with more info:

All Mindfulness trainings.

Just Be Present

Just Be Present
By Monika Brkanac

Monika Brkanac is from Croatia.
She is the visionary behind the institute UnaVita:

Here the teaser of her presentation.
Here the video recording of her presentation from 8 Dec. 2023.

Her presentation is in Croatian language. It is together with Mirjana Petković.

Her training offer: Her presentation is also a great introduction in her "Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me" training that starts on 9th of February 2024.

MoHer profile in the In-Me association: Monika Brkanac

All Mindfulness trainings.

Kreiraj svoj mir kroz svesnost

Kreiraj svoj mir kroz svesnost
By Darko Cvetković

Dr. Darko Cvetković je iz Srbije.
On je vizionar koji stoji iza instituta Energi House:

Here the trailer for his presentation.
Here his presentation.

Njegova prezentacija: Dr Darko će na Kongresu Mindfulnessa podeliti sa vama duboko lično iskustvo u oblasti mindfulness-a kao i praktične veštine za brzo otpuštanje stresa, negativnih misli i kako ući u stanje mira.

Njegov članak na temu Mindfulnesa: "Mindfulness je tvoj MIR" pokriva osnovna objašnjenja kako je Mindfulness nastao i šta je suština praktikovanja ove metode:

Vreme: 8. decembar 2023
Ovde je snimak vebinara

Njegov profil u In-Me asocijaciji: Darko Cvetković

All Mindfulness trainings.

Just Be Present

Just Be Present
By Mirjana Petković

Mirjana Petković is from Croatia.
She is the visionary behind the institute LAKOĆA ŽIVLJENJA

Here the teaser of her presentation.
Here the video recording of her presentation from 8 Dec. 2023.

Her presentation is in Croatian language. It is together with Monika Brkanac.

Her training offer: Their presentation is also a great introduction in their "Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me" training that starts on 9th of February 2024.

Her profile in the In-Me association: Mirjana Petković

All Mindfulness trainings.

Pleine Conscience en Thérapie

Pleine Conscience en Thérapie
By Sehil Triki

Voici la vidéo teaser YouTube de la présentation.
Et voici la vidéo YouTube de la présentation.

1. Mindfulness en Action
Imaginons une personne confrontée à des pensées anxieuses récurrentes. Nous explorerons comment guider cette personne à travers une séquence courte de pleine conscience pour observer et détacher les pensées, créant ainsi une distance émotionnelle.

2. Adaptation de Techniques Traditionnelles
Une technique classique de la thérapie brève consiste à définir des objectifs concrets. Nous verrons comment intégrer la pleine conscience dans cette étape, en invitant le client à être pleinement conscient de ses motivations profondes, alignant ainsi les objectifs avec ses valeurs , en se concentrant sur la présence attentive pendant des moments clés de la séance.

3. Cas Pratiques
Nous présenterons des exemples concrets et nous testerons des exercices durant la conférence

4. Intégration de la Pleine Conscience dans le Plan de Traitement
Identifier les moments opportuns pour introduire des exercices de pleine conscience, montrant ainsi comment cette intégration peut amplifier les résultats dans un laps de temps limité »

" Eveiller la conscience du moment dans l'accompagnement "
le 20 janvier 2024 de 16hr à 17hr (4 pm to 5 pm)
* Si vous participer depuis votre téléphone, télécharger l'application jitsi Meet en suivant les instructions , puis connectez vous, en cliquant sur le lien ci dessous
* Si vous participer depuis votre PC, cliquer sur le lien en- dessous "je me connecte" et participer en tant que fellow jitster"

Cliquez sur la photo pour voir la vidéo de présentation.

“Awaken awareness of the moment in accompaniment”
20th of January 2024 from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.
* If you participate from your phone, download the jitsi Meet application by following the instructions, then connect, by clicking on the link below
* If you participate from your PC, click on the link below "I connect" and participate as a fellow jitster"

All Mindfulness trainings.


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